§ 19.09.040. Exemptions.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The permit requirements, district signage regulations, and design requirements sections of this chapter do not apply to the following signs; provided however, said signs are subject to all other provisions of this chapter, unless otherwise noted.


    Building numbers and nameplates identifying the address and/or occupant of a property. Such numbers or name shall not be used in conjunction with a Home Occupation or advertising a business. Building numbers are required by City code to be located on all buildings, visible from the public right-of-way.


    Real estate signs which advertise the sale, rental, or lease of the premises upon which they are located, provided that such signs do not exceed eight (8) square feet in area in residential zoning districts or thirty-two (32) square feet in all other zoning districts. Such signs shall not be placed within the public right-of-way or located within clear zones.


    Signs denoting the architect, engineer, contractor, lending institution or future occupant, limited to one (1) each, placed upon work under construction. Such signs shall not exceed eight (8) square feet in area in residential zoning districts or thirty-two (32) square feet in all other zoning districts. Such sign shall not be displayed more than five (5) days prior to the beginning of construction and shall be removed prior to occupancy of the structure. Freestanding signs shall not exceed a height of six (6) feet in residential zones and eight (8) feet in all other zones.


    Occupational signs denoting only the name and profession of an occupant in a commercial building or public institutional building. Such signs shall not exceed two (2) square feet in area per occupant, nor exceed a total of sixteen (16) square feet for all signs. Such signs shall only be placed as wall signs.


    Sandwich board (A-frame) signs located in the B-2, Central Business District that are no greater than four (4) feet in height and thirty (30) inches in width. Only one (1) such sign is allowed for each lot or property provided it does not have another freestanding sign. Signs shall only be located upon the property for which it advertises or directly in front of such property. Such signs shall not obstruct any pedestrian pathways.


    Memorial signs or tablets, names of buildings and date of erection when cut into any masonry surface or when constructed of bronze or similar materials.


    Traffic or other municipal signs, legal notices, railroad crossing signs, danger and temporary, emergency or non-advertising signs as may be approved by the City Council. Such signs may be displayed on public right-of-way.


    Signs or notices that are required to be displayed, maintained or posted, by law, or by any court or governmental order, rule or regulations. Such signs may be displayed on public right-of-way.


    Official flags or emblems, of a nation, state, city, educational institution, or non-profit organization. Such flags or emblems are not to be considered as signs. On a lot on which one (1) or more official flags are displayed, one (1) private flag displaying the name and/or logo of the business or organization located on that lot may also be displayed provided that its height, location, and area do not exceed those of any official flag; provided the height of a private flag shall be a maximum of twenty-five (25) feet and the size shall be a maximum of fifteen (15) square feet.


    Signs applied directly onto the body of a car, bus, truck, trailer or other vehicle if such vehicle is operated in the normal course of a business and not used primarily to display such sign. Such vehicles shall not remain static or parked in the same place for more than two (2) days, during a normal business week. Such signs located on a vehicle or trailer associated with number (3) of this section shall be exempt of this requirement.


    Signs on a business premises indicating the desired vehicular traffic flow such as "Enter," "Exit," "Park," "No/Parking," etc. providing such signs do not exceed four (4) square feet in area per sign. Signs may identify the business by name, recognized emblem, or insignia provided the name, emblem or insignia does not exceed twenty (20) percent of the total sign area and such copy is nonchangeable. Such signs may be a maximum of four (4) feet in height. Only those signs that are associated with a driveway leading to the property from a public right-of-way may include business copy.


    Signs announcing or supporting political candidates or issues placed on a ballot in connection with any national, state, or local election; provided such signs are removed no later than seven (7) days after such election.


    Holiday lights and decorations, not to include promotional signs. Such decorations may be placed on or over public right-of-way only when an encroachment permit is granted.


    Yard sale signs not exceeding a total of four (4) square feet in area for all signs; or auction signs not exceeding a total of four (4) total signs with a maximum of four (4) square feet for each sign. Such signs shall be displayed for a maximum period of one (1) week. No person shall display such sign on the property of another person without having first obtained the consent of the owner of such property. Such off-premise signs may be displayed for a maximum of seventy-two (72) hours and they may not be in the right-of-way.


    Home occupation signs that do not exceed two (2) square feet and are not illuminated. Only one (1) such sign shall be permitted per property and shall be attached flat against the wall. See Section 19.02.050(i)(1)(j).


    Temporary signs that do not exceed five (5) square feet in area pertaining to drives or events of civic, philanthropic, charitable, educational, or religious organizations, provided that such signs are displayed only during the event and not more than thirty (30) days before the event, and are removed not more than three (3) days after the event. There shall be a maximum of two (2) such signs per property.


    Incidental signs that do not exceed two (2) square feet in area or six (6) feet in height; where there is no commercial message displayed and only one (1) such sign is used.


    Works of art that do not include any commercial messages. These works of art, including but not limited to sculptures, fountains, statues, and murals, must not represent or be largely associated with the business or operation that they are constructed for. Allowable works of art are not displayed to advertise any commercial, professional, retail or other business-related activity.


    Congratulatory signs or announcements are limited to one (1) sign per property, with a maximum size of thirty-two (32) square feet, and a maximum seventy-two-hour display period.


    Athletic fields and similar recreation area signage is permitted in addition to other permitted signage addressed herein, so long as said signs are intended to be viewed primarily from the playing field and spectator area and not from the public right-of-way. Said athletic field and similar recreation area signage shall not exceed twenty-five-foot in height and the maximum total exempt sign area for such fields and recreation areas shall not exceed three hundred (300) square feet. This signage is not counted towards the total allowable signage for the lot or property upon which it is located.


    Signs located within a building that are not intended to be viewed from the public right-of-way. Signs within a stadium, arena, open-air theater, shopping center, or other building or structure that are only seen by persons within such structure.


    On-premises signs offering "drive-up" service and/or items available, such as a menu board, may be excluded from the total allowable sign area permitted for the zone within which it is located. Any commercial message on such sign shall not be intended to be viewed from the public right-of-way.


    Traffic, street, and other municipal and state signs that are placed by a city, state, or federal entity.


    Signs not visible beyond the boundaries of the lot or property upon which they are situated or from any public right-of-way.


    Existing signs of historic significance, such as plaques, painted words, or other significant "signs," on buildings that were constructed prior to the adoption of the zoning code for the City in 1953.


    The following signs shall be allowed, based upon City staff approval, and are intended to serve a greater community good by showcasing historical places and other significant event staking place within the City.


    Community special event signs or banners approved by the city council.


    Commemorative plaques, signs, flags, or monuments placed by historical or civic organizations that do not display a commercial message.


    Signs that historically have indicated the type of business, such as, a theater, barbershop, pharmacy, bank and lending institution as approved by city staff.

(Ord. No. 1285, § 1(Amd. 5), 9-10-2014)